4 items found.
  • Clear Filters
  • Continuous Paper
Continuous Paper (China)
22,000.00 MMK 22,000.00 MMK 22000.0 MMK
Continuous copy paper is a feed paper used in dot matrix (tractor feed) printers

Apolo Continuous Paper 2, 3, 4 ,5 Ply-55g
25,000.00 MMK 25,000.00 MMK 25000.0 MMK
Continuous copy paper is a feed paper used in dot matrix (tractor feed) printers

Dataprint Continuous Paper 1Ply 70g
35,000.00 MMK 35,000.00 MMK 35000.0 MMK
Continuous paper is paper that is perforated on both sides with pre-punched holes. It is used with Dot-Matrix or line printers with an appropriate paper-feed
Dataprint Continuous Paper 2 Ply , 3Ply - 65g
40,000.00 MMK 40,000.00 MMK 40000.0 MMK
Continuous paper is paper that is perforated on both sides with pre-punched holes. It is used with Dot-Matrix or line printers with an appropriate paper-feed