2 items found.
  • Clear Filters
  • AER Air Freshener
Ambi Pur Room Freshener (275ml)
13,500.00 MMK 13,500.00 MMK 13500.0 MMK
A happy home is a healthy home, and it all begins with the air you and your loved ones breathe. Try Ambi Pur Air Fresheners that don’t just mask odors but remove them leaving behind a relaxing and uplifting ambience at home! Can be used in any room of your house for removing lingering malodors. 95% water-based, the non-flammable formula makes it extremely safe for use. Did you know? Our olfactory senses when exposed to soothing fragrances can have a relaxing and calming effect. so, all you need is to breathe... breathe happy with Ambi Pur!
New Arrival!
Godrej aer Air Freshener spray (300ml)
7,800.00 MMK 7,800.00 MMK 7800.0 MMK
LONG-LASTING FRAGRANCE: Makes every surface smell amazing for long USE ANYWHERE: Bedroom, Living Room, Workspaces and Public Spaces
New Arrival!